Our CSHA Stallion Geronimo (Hanoverian Pedigree)

Geronimo and Lea.

Geronimo and Lea.

Frozen semen available.

Geronimo: our Canadian Sport Horse stallion (now deceased) was a Black Imported / Branded Hanoverian Stallion (registered as Hanoverian with a lovely pedigree). 

Geronimo was / is approved for breeding with the Canadian Sport Horse Association, and was the top score of his two day CSHA Stallion Inspection under three judges, with an overall score of 78.05%. .

Please note although Geronimo is a fully papered registered and branded Hanoverian stallion, he is Not approved for breeding under Hanoverian as he was not presented for approval, due to injury.

Geronimo stood at 17.3  H.H, and descended from some of  the top German bloodlines of GOTTHARD and ARGENTAN.

Born May of 1990 – Died November 2010. 

R.I.P our wonderful boy. 

Never again, will we find such a kind and gentle stallion, as you were.

Click video link below, to see footage of Geronimo.


Geronimo free jumping at Stallion Inspection.

Geronimo was the Top Score of his two day CSHA Stallion Inspection under three judges with an overall score of 78.05%. His impressive jumping ability was noted, as well as his huge ground covering gaits, with good suspension. His gentle personality and willingness to work, made Geronimo a joy to work with.

Geronimo’s riding career was cut short due to a suspensory ligament injury. Geronimo recovered well, but would not be able to sustain the amount of riding necessary to compete successfully at the higher levels of Dressage or Jumping. It was decided that he would retire early from his riding career, and be used only for Stud.

Geronimo is the sire of many Top 5 CSHA Futurity Winners. Out of his first foal crop he presented the Champion at the Alberta CSHA Foal Futurity. His offspring continue to inherit size, his quiet willing temperament, trainability, rideability, fantastic movement and jumping ability. Geronimo offspring continue to prove themselves to be extremely talented both mentally and physically, under saddle for dressage horses and horses for the hunter/jumper ring.

GLORIEUX “Geronimo’s sire”, was Champion of his Stallion Licensing in Oldenburg 1987, Reserve Champion at the Performance Test Adelheidsdorf Germany, German National Riding Horse Champion 1988, and then went to stud unbeaten in the show ring in 1989.

Geronimo’s dam Argentina, has produced many successful show horses who compete in Germany and Austria up to the Grand Prix Level Dressage. She is by Hanoverian Stallion of the Year ( 1994 ) ARGENTAN, who also sired Aramis, World Cup Winner in Show Jumping with Canadian Rider Mario Deslauriers.

Lea and Galahad, a Geronimo colt who took first place as a foal at a CSHA show in 2005.

Lea and Galahad, a Geronimo colt who took first place as a foal at a CSHA show in 2005.

We have a limited amount of Frozen Semen available for sale. Price is $ 500.00 per Breeding Dose Plus HST. Geronimo’s semen was frozen as 1 breeding dose per 5 ml straw, as opposed to several 0.5 ml straws to make up one breeding dose. Geronimo’s semen quality is very good, and clients have had excellent success with it.

There is no LFG with frozen semen, we will sell a second dose of semen at $ 400.00 (plus HST) if your mare does not conceive on the first try providing the mare was properly screened by a qualified veterinarian experienced in breeding with frozen semen before breeding, proof of negative swab and depending on the age of the mare, a uterine biopsy to qualify for the second dose offer to apply.

Please contact me if interested. Please note I am not able to ship out of Canada.

Pedigree chart and more pictures below.

Geronimo Glorieux Goldstern Gotthard
St. Pr. Ehrwenna 2 Paladin X
St. Pr. Ehrwenna
Argentina Argentan Absatz
St. Pr. Worms
Dominika Dominikaner III



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